Jumat, 04 November 2011


One of the best things you can do to cope with high aggression level of obedience, and when I say, a high level of control, I’m talking about, with or without distraction. The dog will come when called at any time to heal properly, walk properly on a leash, stay, where every time, even when other dogs, people ring the bell, and distracting things. This audience, what to say. But what we often get into a conversation with potential clients and discuss the problem of aggression, I wonder: Well, one of the best things you can do for your dog’s obedience. Like to hear about your dog? And very often they will say: Oh, my dog ​​is very obedient. Still I can not understand why it is aggressive. Therefore, they will go through the list and say something like, well, he was obedient. Oh, absolutely. The incident occurred when there are distractions? Oh, yes, he knows how to stay. Stay within 20 minutes, until it is another dog? Number able to walk properly on a leash? Yes dose was functioning properly when the trigger is aggression or a dog lover? No, he pulls something. What I always try to communicate with people is that it is impossible to determine, with aggression listen well. Simple obedience, he is here to listen to the treatment and remain in treatment. We do not hear will be rectified with good aggression. We need to define aggression excellent listen.

What I have always tried to help people and do it so as to remove someone from your dog, but what I was trying to do to help people to offer that level of obedience, a couple should be considered levels to get the problem resolved that the aggression.

So if you think you need help with aggression, the first thing I do is assess whether the dog is subject to the wise. He was obedient, very obedient, do not listen? Now, some clients come to us and say dogs ignore all but those who say and I think my dog ​​is very docile and aggressive. Well, this is good or excellent command of obedience? You can count every time your dog to listen to shit ask them to do something? If so, we can help. But 99% of the time I worked with someone, the answer is no. If you do not use us as a company that is the viewing experience, you need to do to solve the problems with aggression.

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homeopathic supplements

Animals and strengthening the immune system, which is important for each animal, how to investigate, but the decline in the immune system is important for the large animals. This decrease is more a slap in the immune due to natural aging process, as in previous years would not increase the vulnerability of various diseases. An example that comes to mind is of bacterial urinary tract infection.

Animal healing is the key to enhance the immune system and cure everything from cancer to the flu germs, cats and dogs is the key to a strong natural defense system. Professionals and natural health advocates believe that the immune system plays an important role in the weakness of the disease. There is no shortage of criminals can weaken the immune animal. Focusing on food

While working on a plan to improve the development of the immune system, food animals is important to consider. A good way to look like that normally found in foods such as molecules, ignoring the immune animals is designed to focus on the foreign invaders. Enter your pet a diet filled with colorants, additives and preservatives, such as histamine or other potentially hazardous chemicals that control leads to a chain reaction that separates the cells, causing the threat of a flood can cause the immune system into action. This story is a lot more, but feed your pet a diet consisting mainly of natural ingredients to be better.

In addition, echinacea, ginkgo, such as grape seed and vitamin C, E and B and vegetable foods rich in antioxidants can stimulate the immune system.


Recent studies of passive people who are active in animals show that more than three times to get sick. This leads to a simple description of various causes (especially outdoors), there is this exercise, enhances the immune system. Cranberry Raspberry

This water can stimulate the immune system directly, but the urinary system and helps to prevent bacteria in the body. To focus on more immediate issues, to take preventative measures to relieve your pet’s immune system, or a few drops of water every day to feed the pet.

Homeopathic remedies

Internal increasingly secondary diseases, such as vaccines and antibiotics, and this kind of chemical exposure by reducing the risk of losing natural immunity. Against other factors, the above homeopathic. Some of the most effective homeopathic supplements, animal immune Huang Qi (Astragalus membranaceus) and thistle (Sylibum Marian) contains.

Finally when it comes to the development of immune animals, have only scratched the surface. However, the information contained in this article, your pet is a happy life away from the disease for many years to provide an excellent framework.

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the breath ammonia

Answer Yes! This is very easy to mix the urine out of the box marking the land. But your cat is very different meanings. If you know the difference and determine whether the cat urine, or sign up to be almost impossible to get to the root of the problem.

Many cat owners ignore this key factor is the difference between cat urine or marking.

To create a suffocating smell of ammonia in urine and make your home in two. Urine
Urinary bladder emptying is a simple act. If you look carefully you stand or squat in the cat and you’ll notice Pees on a horizontal surface. We are not always happy in the box on a horizontal surface, but surface quilt or rug, the dining room when they are not fun.

A cat may be out of the box for various reasons. Urine is more common in cats that are sterilized at home. This is unacceptable behavior to eliminate 90% of cats “fixed” Get a possibility. However, the cat, it’s unacceptable behavior will have to find another way to stop the 10 biriyse.

The bladder is a serious disease of the box. Your cat is sick and needs medical help can be. After removal of cat health problems, anxiety, anger, fear, or other means may be more likely to express feelings. My roommate, Carolyn, be careful with empty suitcases and turn right on a trip, or a cat, Tru, open box, take him to pee on top of dirty clothes. Carolyn’s empty suitcase after a short period of time, and the content taught in the closet before you put it back in to pee in Tru. An effective strategy will help you get your cat getting to the root of emotional problems.

Description of a health problem or emotional contrast to the soil, is marked. Acute urinary and anal glands to mark territory by spraying a mixture of chemical life for thousands of years living abroad, cats, and, for the. To understand the taste of urine marking is different from a regular nose spray. Which will be held parallel to the ground tail cats, urine on a horizontal surface. Kitchen cabinets or sofa, behind the goals, such as cat feet, tail and vertical surfaces of high Brands. Cats have a brand message: “It’s mine!” Once the cat, the patient is angry or possessive, to meet the needs of the cat it is best to formulate an effective strategy to help you, so you can live again in a free zone to determine the breath ammonia. If the situation the best strategy to help achieve some of my other items look.

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